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Maxim Moinat

PhD Student

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Maxim has a MSc in Bioinformatics (2016) and a BSc in Medical Natural Sciences (2014), both at the VU Amsterdam. The topic of his BSc thesis was building a stochastic model for molecular networks with delayed reactions in replicating cells (StochPy). Since 2016, he is collaborating in various OHDSI projects.  As a Data Engineer at The Hyve, Maxim has been building multiple ETL pipelines to transform various sources of healthcare data to the OMOP CDM. In the EHDEN consortium he is part of the technical work package, the DSPC and the Data Partner Milestone review team.

At Erasmus MC he works on mapping the in-house health data to the OMOP CDM and is working on the data quality of the European network of OMOP datasets in EHDEN and DARWIN EU®.


M. Moinat, O. Fabius & K. S. Emanuel (2018) Data-driven quantification of the effect of wind on athletics performance, European Journal of Sport Science, 18:9, 1185-1190, DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2018.1480062

Publications (co-author)

Blacketer C, Voss EA, DeFalco F, Hughes N, Schuemie MJ, Moinat M, Rijnbeek PR. Using the Data Quality Dashboard to Improve the EHDEN Network. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(24):11920. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112411920

Vaclav Papez, Maxim Moinat, Stefan Payralbe, Folkert W Asselbergs, R Thomas Lumbers, Harry Hemingway, Richard Dobson, Spiros Denaxas, Transforming and evaluating electronic health record disease phenotyping algorithms using the OMOP common data model: a case study in heart failure, JAMIA Open, Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2021, ooab001, https://doi.org/10.1093/jamiaopen/ooab001

Wei, K., Moinat, M., Maarleveld, T. R., & Bruggeman, F. J. (2014). Stochastic simulation of prokaryotic two-component signalling indicates stochasticity-induced active-state locking and growth-rate dependent bistability. Molecular BioSystems10(9), 2338-2346. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/C4MB00264D 

Poster presentations 

Comparing Data Quality Dashboard results from consecutive ETL iterations: three new utilities (OHDSI 2021 Global Symposium) (Elena G. Lara, Maxim Moinat)

Mapping UK Biobank to the OMOP CDM: challenges and solutions using the delphyne ETL framework (OHDSI 2021 Global Symposium) (Sofia Bazakou, Maxim Moinat, Alessia Peviani, Anne van Winzum, Stefan Payralbe, Vaclav Papez, Spiros Denaxas)

Clinical trial data conventions for the OMOP Common Data Model (OHDSI 2020 Global Symposium) (Chris Roeder, Katy Sadowski, Maxim Moinat, Philip Solovyev, Sonia Araujo) * recipient of 2020 Best Contribution in Observational Data Standards and Management

Evaluating the transformation of UK national linked electronic health records to the OMOP CDM (OHDSI 2020 Global Symposium) (Vaclav Papez, Maxim Moinat, Richard Dobson, Folkert Asselbergs, Spiros Denaxas)

New Atlas features: Cohort Sample and Patient Profile (OHDSI 2020 Global Symposium) (Maxim Moinat, Florence Giesen, Joris Borgdorff, Long Khoa, Keyvan Hedayati, Julia Kurps, Andries Purnal)

Vocabulary mapping quality assessment in two European datasets; an Achilles extention (OHDSI 2019 EU Symposium) (Maxim Moinat, Stefan Payralbe, Ilona Pinter, Marinel Cavelaars, Kees van Bochove, Rients van Wijngaarden)

Mapping Danish drug concepts via ATC to the RxNorm vocabulary  (OHDSI 2019 EU Symposium) (Maxim Moinat, Lars Pedersen, Jolanda Strubel, Marinel Cavelaars, Kees van Bochove, Michel van Speybroeck, Martijn Schuemie)


Transforming Swedish  health Care Data to the OMOP CDM (OHDSI 2017 Global Symposium)